
Help build a future and get involved!

 We invite you to explore our work and ways you can lead with your heart. We’re building our team and we hope you’ll be part of our RRPC family of volunteers.

 The journey to become an RRPC Innovation Foundation Volunteer begins with submitting an application. For additional information please contact our Managing Director, Laura Byers at laurab@rrpcfoundation.com or call 905-378-1445 Extension 21

Our volunteers are a vital part of our RRPC Innovation Foundation Team. We are grateful for their passion, skill, talent, and time they share with us to help improve the quality of life for youth and at-risk youth in our community.

Volunteers lend the kind of support that cannot be measured. They are Ambassadors in our community, and we are incredibly thankful for all that they contribute.

Who volunteers with us?

  • students gaining valuable experience
  • full-time professionals giving back to their community
  • retirees who share knowledge gathered over a lifetime

What are your interests?

  • working directly with youth and families
  • assisting with fundraising and events
  • community ambassador
  • helping youth to navigate and succeed

Join us!

Help make a difference helping youth to navigate and succeed!

(Hiking, recreational activities, biking, art, music, gardening etc)      

Please provide two references which are current, professional, and have known you for two years or more.

I hereby provide permission to The RRPC Innovation Foundation to contact the references provided. I understand that I must complete an Interview and Police Records Clearance to complete the application. I understand that, if accepted, I am committing to act in accordance with the mission and values, policies and procedures of The RRPC Innovation Foundation. I understand that my role as a volunteer may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the foundation.
Clear Signature

PLEASE NOTE: Only those applicants who are selected for an interview will be contacted.